About Us

TS Solution & Systems is all about empowering connectivity, ensuring security, and innovating solutions for a safer tomorrow.

Our company is where innovation meets security, and connectivity goes beyond borders.

Founded by TJ Starghill, a Logan, West Virginia native and dedicated first responder, our company is driven by a passion for safety and a commitment to excellence.

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TJ Starghill

Our Founder

In the hands of TJ Starghill, a first responder with a mission to protect, TS Solutions & Systems takes security to new heights.

Our comprehensive lineup of security cameras, access control systems, and networking infrastructure goes beyond conventional boundaries.

TJ's commitment to safety and his hands-on experience drive our innovation, ensuring that your security is not just a product but a personalized, fortified shield against potential threats.

Who We Are

We bridge connections, powering a world where communication knows no limits.

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Your safety is our priority - innovating security solutions beyond conventional boundaries

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We don't just solve problems, we innovate solutions, paving the way for a safer tomorrow.

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